Wednesday 16 March 2011


Dear Micks,

I hope you are all in good spirits. I am lurgied up and feel as emotionally low and physically crap as an Italian starlet post Berlusconi 'bunga bunga' party. I should bottle it. It could be used as a substitute for water-boarding (by Pakistan and other countries who allegedly support controversial interegation techniques.)

Now I've got off on the wrong politically correct foot you may want to know what else has been happening here in Blighty. Midsomer Murders is too pale. The creator defended his right to keep the show all white and said it was the last bastion of Englishness. He said black and asians had no place in the show. Amusingly the Daily Mail, of all papers, found he had a Polish gardener and several black families, Chinese and Indians all lived in his village and his landlord was called Gianfranco. No-one had noticed about the lack of ethnic diversity in the show until he brought it up in an interview in the Radio Times. Whoops! Of course, everyone's reacted hysterically, demanding his racist head on a spike and for the show to transfer to Slough where the immigrant population is significant in size..or something like that. There are probably lot of real murders in Slough so it might improve the show's story lines.

I have asked several well-known authors to pen you stories but i am, as yet, waiting to receive any. I shall chase them up. I had been meaning to convert a 15 mins radio pilot I wrote into prose but I'm afraid it hasn't happened. I will post it as is and allow your imaginations to fill in the gaps.

With lots of love,
Charlie, Your pin-up who's on a serious diet and phys regime. 'Bout bloody time! xx

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